List methods: get
Detail methods: options, get
Allow to get a specific survey by passing a survey_id to /api/survey/survey_id/
or return all surveys if no id is provided.
A survey is associated with a study, a studysubject, and a questionnaire
To submit an answer to a survey, refer to surveyanswers or csvsurveyanswers
For more information on what is a survey, check the study section here
- id: IntegerField
This field is readonly.
- survey_name: CharField
Hexoskin survey name
This field is readonly.
- survey_description: CharField
Hexoskin survey description
This field is readonly.
- resource_uri: RelatedUrlField
A URI that goes back to this survey.
This field is readonly.
- fhir_questionnaire: QuestionnaireSerializer
This element contains a valid FHIR questionnaire.
This field is readonly.
Filtering Options
No filtering supported
Sorting Options
No sorting supported
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