List methods: get
Detail methods: get
This resource describes the metrics that are available for use in the
field in range, record, and report
Metrics come in two varieties, metrics
and histograms
. We split the
metrics into the metrics
or histograms
attributes on the result for
historical reasons and to make parsing them more convenient.
A metric
metric will contain a value of either null (if no value is
present) or a number.
A histogram
metric will contain a value of either null or an array
containing an array of bins and an array of counts, ie. the x,y values of
the histogram.
the bold words in the descriptions are references
Rendering metric.html
List of available metrics
Name | Id | Unit | Description |
ASDNN | 183 | second | The Average of the Standard Deviations of all nninterval. |
AVNN | 182 | second | Average of the nninterval. |
Act Avg | 1 | gravitational acceleration | Average value of the activity signal. |
Act Histogram | 301 | gravitational acceleration | Histogram of the acceleration signal measured by the 3-axis accelerometer. |
Act Max | 3 | gravitational acceleration | Maximum value of the activity signal. |
Act Min | 4 | gravitational acceleration | Minimum value of the activity signal. |
BR Avg | 12 | respirations per minute | Average value of the breathingrate. |
BR Histogram | 302 | respirations per minute | Histogram of the breathingrate. |
BR Max | 14 | respirations per minute | Maximum value of the breathingrate. |
BR Min | 15 | respirations per minute | Minimum value of the breathingrate. |
Breathing Rate MinRestTest | 1051 | respirations per minute | Minimum Breathing Rate During Rest Test represents the minimum rate of breathing (breaths per minute) observed during a resting test. |
Cadence Avg | 17 | steps per minute | Average value of the cadence. |
Cadence Histogram | 303 | steps per minute | Histogram of the cadence. |
Cadence Max | 19 | steps per minute | Maximum value of the cadence. |
Cadence Min | 20 | steps per minute | Minimum value of the cadence. |
Distance | 2038 | metre | Distance given by the GPS or by a manual entry. In order of priority: manual, then gps. We used to use an approximation based on the step count but it was not accurate enough. |
Duration | 22 | second | Total duration of range or record or timerange. |
ECG Quality Percent | 1200 | percent | ECG Quality Percent is a measure that indicates the reliability and accuracy of the recorded ECG data, providing insights into the quality of the signal for interpretation and analysis purposes. |
Energy | 149 | Calorie | Total of energy based on userSpec VO2. We used Mifflin and Keytel equation where the VO2max, HRMax and HRMin are defined for each user. |
Energy Avg | 143 | watt | Average value of energy based on userSpec VO2. We used Mifflin and Keytel equation where the VO2max, HRMax, HRMin are defined for each user. |
Energy Histogram | 307 | watt | Histogram value of energy based on userSpec VO2. We used Mifflin and Keytel equation where the VO2max, HRMax, HRMin are defined for each user. |
Energy Max | 145 | watt | Maximum value of energy based on userSpec VO2. We used Mifflin and Keytel equation where the VO2max, HRMax, HRMin are defined for each user. |
Energy Min | 146 | watt | Minimum value of energy based on userSpec VO2. We used Mifflin and Keytel equation where the VO2max, HRMax, HRMin are defined for each user. |
Energy Total | 148 | joule | Total of energy based on userSpec VO2. We used Mifflin and Keytel equation where the VO2max, HRMax, HRMin is defined for each user. |
HR Avg | 44 | beats per minute | Average value of the heartrate. |
HR Histogram | 304 | beats per minute | Histogram of the heartrate. |
HR Max | 46 | beats per minute | This Metric does double duty depending on the context. On a range or record it represents maximum value of the heartrate on given period, in a profile it represents the user's overall maximum heart rate. |
HR Min | 47 | beats per minute | Minimum value of the heartrate. |
HRV (HF) | 170 | percent | Average value of hrvhfnorm. |
HRVHF Avg | 175 | millisecond^2 | Average value of hrvhf. |
HRVHF Norm Max | 172 | percent | Maximum value of hrvhfnorm. |
HRVHF Norm Min | 171 | percent | Minimum value of hrvhfnorm. |
HRVLF Avg | 174 | millisecond^2 | Average value of hrvlf. |
HRVLF Norm Avg | 173 | percent | Average value of 1-hrvhfnorm. |
Height | 92 | metre | User's height. |
MV Adjusted Avg | 255 | litres per minute | Average value of the minuteventilationadjusted. |
MV Adjusted Histogram | 310 | litres per minute | Histogram of the minuteventilation. |
MV Adjusted Max | 257 | litres per minute | Maximum value of the minuteventilationadjusted. |
MV Adjusted Min | 258 | litres per minute | Minimum value of the minuteventilationadjusted. |
MV Avg | 55 | litres per minute | Average value of the minuteventilation. This value is based on the raw signal, you are probably looking for metric 255. |
MV Histogram | 305 | litres per minute | Histogram of the minuteventilation. This value is based on the raw signal, you are probably looking for metric 310. |
MV Max | 57 | litres per minute | Maximum value of the minuteventilation. This value is based on the raw signal, you are probably looking for metric 257. |
MV Min | 58 | litres per minute | Minimum value of the minuteventilation. This value is based on the raw signal, you are probably looking for metric 258. |
Minute Ventilation MinRestTest | 1052 | litres per minute | Minimum Minute Ventilation During Rest Test represents the minimum volume of gas exchanged by the lungs per minute, observed during a resting test. |
Power NN | 176 | millisecond^2 | Total power of the nninterval. Or variance or the nninterval. |
RMSSD | 184 | millisecond | Root Mean Square of the Successive Differences. Contrary to normal definition, the RMSSD is calculated on the normal RR intervals (i.e. nninterval.) and not on all RR intervals. This process is used as many noise artifacts as possible. To have access to raw results for RR intervals, please contact |
Recorded Time | 113 | second | Number of heartrate signal sampled at 1 Hz. i.e. The number of seconds of signal stored on the server. |
Resp Quality Percent | 1210 | percent | Resp Quality Percent is a measure that indicates the reliability and accuracy of the recorded respiration data, providing insights into the quality of the signal for interpretation and analysis purposes. |
SDANN | 181 | second | Standard Deviation of the Averages of nninterval. |
SDNN | 180 | second | Standard Deviations of all nninterval. |
Sleep Efficiency | 1039 | percent | The sleep efficiency is the proportion of time asleep over the 'time in bed'. The sleep efficiency is normally over 95%. A value under 85% is generally associated as a bad night. |
Sleep Non REM Time | 1063 | second | The total time in the NREM sleepphase during the sleep period, which is defined as the time between the sleep onset and the last awakening. |
Sleep Percent | 1042 | percent | The sleep percent is the proportion of time asleep over the sleep time (sleep time = 'time in bed' - sleep latency). |
Sleep Phase Histogram | 309 | Histogram of the sleepphases. |
Sleep Position Changes | 1038 | repetition | Number of sleepposition changes detected. |
Sleep Position Histogram | 308 | Histogram of the sleeppositions. |
Sleep Position P1 Time | 1033 | Total time where user is in sleepposition 1 (Belly). |
Sleep Position P2 Time | 1034 | Total time where user is in sleepposition 2 (Back). |
Sleep Position P3 Time | 1035 | Total time where user is in sleepposition 3 (Right). |
Sleep Position P4 Time | 1036 | Total time where user is in sleepposition 4 (Left). |
Sleep Position P5 Time | 1037 | Total time where user is in sleepposition 5 (Standing). |
Sleep REM Time | 1062 | second | The total time is the REM sleepphase during the sleep period, which is defined as the time between the sleep onset and the last awakening. |
Sleep Wake Time | 1064 | second | The total time in the awake vigilance state during the sleep period, which is defined as the time between the sleep onset and the last awakening. |
SpO2 Quality Percent | 70 | percent | SpO2 Quality Percent is a measure that indicates the reliability and accuracy of the recorded SpO2 data, providing insights into the quality of the signal for interpretation and analysis purposes. |
Speed (moving) Avg | 502 | metres per second | Average speed calculated by the GPS, The periods of time where the user is not moving are excluded. |
Speed Avg | 504 | metres per second | Average speed calculated by the GPS, The periods of time where the user is not moving are included. |
Speed Max | 501 | metres per second | Maximum speed calculated by the GPS. |
Steps | 71 | repetition | Number of steps detected. |
SystolicPressureCuff | 2040 | millimetre Hg | Systolic pressure from third party device (cuff: reference) |
Tidal Volume Adjusted Histogram | 311 | litre | Histogram of the tidalvolumeadjusted. |
Tidal Volume Histogram | 306 | litre | Histogram of the tidalvolume. This value is based on the raw signal, you are probably looking for metric 311. |
Tidalvolume Adjusted Avg | 277 | litre | Average value of the tidalvolumeadjusted. |
Tidalvolume Adjusted Max | 279 | litre | Maximum value of the tidalvolumeadjusted. |
Tidalvolume Adjusted Min | 280 | litre | Minimum value of the tidalvolumeadjusted. |
Tidalvolume Avg | 77 | litre | Average value of the tidalvolume. This value is based on the raw signal, you are probably looking for metric 277. |
Tidalvolume Max | 79 | litre | Maximum value of the tidalvolume. This value is based on the raw signal, you are probably looking for metric 279. |
Tidalvolume Min | 80 | litre | Minimum value of the tidalvolume. This value is based on the raw signal, you are probably looking for metric 280. |
Time To Fall Asleep | 1061 | second | 'Sleep latency' is the time between the sleep activity onset to the first sleepphase detections. |
Total Sleep Time | 1032 | second | The Total Sleep Time is the time spent in any sleepphase (i.e. not awake). |
Triangular Index | 185 | Measurement is the integral of the density distribution (i.e. the number of all nninterval.) divided by the maximum of the density distribution. |
VolumeExpired | 2039 | litre | Max expired volume Standard test. |
Weight | 89 | kilogram | User's weight. |
- description:
Description of the metric.
This field is readonly.
- id:
The primary key for this resource. Integer data. Ex: 2673
This field is readonly.
- is_kpi:
Is the metric a kpi
This field is readonly.
- name:
Name of the metric
This field is readonly.
- resource_uri:
The unique URI where the object resides.
This field is readonly.
- type:
Type of the metric
This field is readonly.
- unit:
A reference to the resource. Maybe specified by URI or ID. Using a URI is recommended.
This field is returned fully populated.
This field is readonly.
- value:
Populated according the the context of the range, record, or report. This field is omitted when no context is present.
This field is required.
- writable:
Name of the metric
This field is readonly.
Filtering Options
- id: exact, in, gt, gte, lt, lte, range
- is_kpi: exact
- name: exact, contains, in, startswith, endswith
- show_all: exact
If provided (regardless of the value), non-default and deprecated metrics are included in the results.
Sorting Options
- id
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