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Hexostore API Documentation



List methods: get, post

Detail methods: get, put, patch, delete

Records represent uploaded data. When a user syncs her device a record is created to link together all the associated data that is recorded for that session.

This resource may be requested in FIT format and TCX format in addition to the default, JSON. Specify the format you would like in the Accept header. FIT and TCX are represented by the application/vnd.ant.fit and application/vnd.garmin.tcx+xml mimetypes respectively.

We export a Record as a Fit Activity File or TCX Activity. See chapter 9 Activity File (page 47) of D00001309 FIT File Types Description Rev 1.6.pdf (available at http://www.thisisant.com/resources/fit). The TCX specification can be found at: http://www.garmindeveloper.com/schemas /tcx/v2/

We export the following for each Fit Activity:



Version of algo used to process datatype

This field is readonly.


Information on the underlying data.

This field is readonly.


dev_id: Device ID (phone) 32 char.

This field may be blank

This field will default to: '' (empty string)


A reference to the resource. Maybe specified by URI or ID. Using a URI is recommended.

This field may be blank

This field may be null


Original recording start time from the Hexoskin device. An integer indicating the number of 256ths of a second that have passed since Jan 1, 1970 UTC, ie. a traditional timestamp, multiplied by 256.

This field may be blank


An integer representing the desired duration in seconds

This field is readonly.


Recording end. An integer indicating the number of 256ths of a second that have passed since Jan 1, 1970 UTC, ie. a traditional timestamp, multiplied by 256.

This field is required.


firmware_rev: Hexoskin Firmware revision, char.

This field will default to: 000


Garment UID (Example: SNX334000). Add the prefix "SN" to the value for the complete UID. A value of 00000000 indicates that the garment is not defined.

This field may be blank

This field will default to: '' (empty string)


The primary key for this resource. Integer data. Ex: 2673

This field is readonly.


A single related resource. Can be either a URI or set of nested resource data.

This field is readonly.


A date & time as a string. Ex: "2010-11-10T03:07:43"

This field is readonly.


This field will contain an array of the metrics specified in include_metrics. If this argument is not supplied or there are no metrics for the given Range, it will be empty.

This field is readonly.


The unique URI where the object resides.

This field is readonly.


Integer data. Ex: 2673

This field will default to: 0


soft_uid: Software UID.

This field is required.


Recording start. An integer indicating the number of 256ths of a second that have passed since Jan 1, 1970 UTC, ie. a traditional timestamp, multiplied by 256.

This field is required.


A date & time as a string. Ex: "2010-11-10T03:07:43"

This field is readonly.


One of "realtime", "realtime_complete", "syncing", "complete", "queued", "processing", "error" ,"overlap" or "incomplete". "Realtime" means that the Record has been created by HxSolo for realtime tracking but hasn't been synced yet. "Complete" and "incomplete" indicate whether or not the record currently has a complete set of data in the database. "Queued" indicates the record is queued for processing. "processing" indicates the record is currently being processed. "error" indicates that an error was encountered while processing the record. "overlap" indicates that the record overlap with another record and should be moved.

This field is readonly.


A user. Maybe specified by URI, email, or ID. Using a URI is recommended.

This field is returned fully populated.

This field is required.

Filtering Options

device: exact, in, gt, gte, lt, lte, range

device_start: exact, in, gt, gte, lt, lte, range

duration: range, gt, gte, lt, lte

end: exact, range, gt, gte, lt, lte

id: exact, in, gt, gte, lt, lte, range

include_histograms: exact

This is not a filtering field but a comma-separated list of histogram IDs returned for the Record. See histograms available at: histogram

include_metrics: exact

This is not a filtering field but a comma-separated list of metric IDs returned for the Record. See metrics available at: metric

last_modified: exact, in, range, gt, gte, lt, lte

short_metrics: exact

If provided (regardless of the value), display a short metric view (for faster api call)

start: exact, range, gt, gte, lt, lte

status: exact, in

study: exact

study_group: exact

user: exact, in, gt, gte, lt, lte, range

Sorting Options

id, start, end, device, user, last_modified

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