List methods: get
Detail methods: get, put, patch
Every Hexoskin user is represented with this resource. To create a user, use the createuser, createuserrequest or createrelateduser resource.
See also account.
- devices:
This field may be null
- email:
Cannot change without an email confirmation loop
This field is readonly.
- first_name:
Unicode string data. Ex: "Hello World"
This field may be blank
This field will default to: '' (empty string)
- id:
The primary key for this resource. Integer data. Ex: 2673
This field is readonly.
- last_name:
Unicode string data. Ex: "Hello World"
This field may be blank
This field will default to: '' (empty string)
- profile:
A reference to the resource. Maybe specified by URI or ID. Using a URI is recommended.
This field is readonly.
- resource_uri:
The unique URI where the object resides.
This field is readonly.
- stats:
This field may be null
- username:
Set to be the same as email. Left in place for historical reasons.
This field is readonly.
Filtering Options
- email: exact, in, startswith
- id: exact, in, gt, gte, lt, lte, range
- search: exact
- username: exact, in, startswith
Sorting Options
- id, username, email, profile
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