home api list

Hexostore API Documentation



List methods: get

Detail methods: options, get


id: IntegerField

This field is readonly.

resource_uri: RelatedUrlField

A reference to the resource. Maybe specified by URI or ID

This field is readonly.

max_generation_time: IntegerField

Maximum time in seconds to generate the report. It helps the client app to warn the user a problem occurs.

This field may be blank

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

name: CharField

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

template: CharField

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

cron: CharField

This field may be blank

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

script: CharField

This field may be blank

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

period: ChoiceField

Choices : [(0, 'from beginning'), (1, 'last x days'), (2, 'one day')]

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

type: ChoiceField

Choices : [(0, 'individual'), (1, 'group'), (2, 'all')]

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

max_duration: IntegerField

Maximal duration of the period from which the report is generated (in minutes)

This field may be blank

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

note: CharField

This field may be blank

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

template_html: CharField

Contains the HTML code to generate the report

This field may be blank

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

template_css: CharField

Contains the CSS code to generate the report

This field may be blank

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

json_template: JSONField

Json template used to generate the actual json provided to the report generator

This field may be blank

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

template_web: JSONField

The structure to generate the web report

This field may be blank

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

Filtering Options

No filtering supported

Sorting Options

No sorting supported

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