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Hexostore API Documentation



List methods: get

Detail methods: get, put, patch

Endpoint with the currently owned client application

Contact us to receive an OAuth client ID.

Endpoint to create mange your client applications : https://api.hexoskin.com/oauth2/applications

Endpoint for the authentication workflow: - Authentication URL: https://api.hexoskin.com/oauth2/auth/ - Token URL: https://api.hexoskin.com/oauth2/token/ Or : - Authentication URL: https://api.hexoskin.com/api/connect/oauth2/auth/ - Token URL: https://api.hexoskin.com/api/connect/oauth2/token/

For a more complete guide to using OAuth2 with Hexoskin consult oauth2.


id: IntegerField

This field is readonly.

client_id: CharField

This field may be blank

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

user: CharField

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

name: CharField

This field may be blank

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

redirect_uris: CharField

Allowed URIs list, space separated

This field may be blank

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

client_type: ChoiceField

Choices : [('confidential', 'Confidential'), ('public', 'Public')]

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

authorization_grant_type: ChoiceField

Choices : [('authorization-code', 'Authorization code'), ('implicit', 'Implicit'), ('password', 'Resource owner password-based'), ('client-credentials', 'Client credentials'), ('openid-hybrid', 'OpenID connect hybrid')]

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

skip_authorization: BooleanField

This field may be blank

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

internality: ChoiceField

Determine if the Application is outside or inside the company

This field may be blank

Choices : [(0, 'External'), (1, 'Internal')]

This field will default to: '' (empty string)

Filtering Options

No filtering supported

Sorting Options

No sorting supported

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