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Hexostore API Documentation



List methods: get

Detail methods: None

Generate a distribution for the given metrics.

This is still under development

In the arguments, the fields range, record, user, start, end, trainignroutine, activitytype define what data will be analyse:



list of activitytype used in conjunction with "user", "start" and "end" to filter what data will be analysed

This field may be null


list of category used in conjunction with "user", "start" and "end" to filter what data will be analysed

This field may be null


An integer indicating the number of 256ths of a second that have passed since Jan 1, 1970 UTC, ie. a traditional timestamp, multiplied by 256. The value will be ceil to the next UTC hour.

This field may be null


List of histograms (IDs) that specify the metrics that will be extracted

This field is required.


List of metric IDs that specify the metrics that will be extracted

This field is required.


list of range on which the metrics are extracted

This field may be null


list of record on which the metrics are extracted

This field may be null


The unique URI where the object resides.

This field is readonly.


An integer indicating the number of 256ths of a second that have passed since Jan 1, 1970 UTC, ie. a traditional timestamp, multiplied by 256. The value will be floor to the previous UTC hour.

This field may be null


list of trainingroutine used in conjunction with "user", "start" and "end" to filter what data will be analysed

This field may be null

Filtering Options

activitytype: exact, in, isnull

category: exact, in, isnull

display: exact

'vector'. Display result as vector

end: exact

include_autodetected: true

If true, return ranges done with autodetection algorithm

include_histograms: exact, in

include_metrics: exact, in

range: exact, in

record: exact, in

start: exact

trainingroutine: exact, in, isnull

user: exact, in

User on which the metrics are extracted

Sorting Options

No sorting supported

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