List methods: get
Detail methods: None
Generate a distribution for the given metrics.
This is still under development
Apply distribution on the result of each range
- distribution/?user=athlete@hexoskin.com&start=350049484800&end=350735155200&include_metrics=1,44
- The available list of histograms is found at: metric
Apply distribution on the data (signal at 1 Hz)
- distribution/?record=1,2&include_histograms=304
- The available list of metrics is found at: histogram
In the arguments, the fields range, record, user, start, end, trainignroutine, activitytype define what data will be analyse:
- The calculation is done on any ranges that respect the given criterions
- A comma separated list of ranges: distribution/?range=7535,8157&include_metrics=1,44
- A comma separated list of records: distribution/?record=23512,24086&include_metrics=1,44
- User and timerange: distribution/?user=1511&start=350049484800&end=350735155200&include_metrics=1,44
- Any data that match the trainingroutine found in a timerange: distribution/?user=1511&start=350049484800&end=350735155200&trainingroutine=1,2&include_metrics=1,44
- Any data that match the activitytype found in a timerange: distribution/?user=1511&start=350049484800&end=350735155200&activitytype=1,2&include_metrics=1,44
- Any data that match the category found in a timerange: distribution/?user=1511&start=350049484800&end=350735155200&category=1,2&include_metrics=1,44
- Note: the start field is round to the previous hour. The end field is round to the next hour
- activitytype:
list of activitytype used in conjunction with "user", "start" and "end" to filter what data will be analysed
This field may be null
- category:
list of category used in conjunction with "user", "start" and "end" to filter what data will be analysed
This field may be null
- end:
An integer indicating the number of 256ths of a second that have passed since Jan 1, 1970 UTC, ie. a traditional timestamp, multiplied by 256. The value will be ceil to the next UTC hour.
This field may be null
- include_histograms:
List of histograms (IDs) that specify the metrics that will be extracted
This field is required.
- include_metrics:
List of metric IDs that specify the metrics that will be extracted
This field is required.
- range:
list of range on which the metrics are extracted
This field may be null
- record:
list of record on which the metrics are extracted
This field may be null
- resource_uri:
The unique URI where the object resides.
This field is readonly.
- start:
An integer indicating the number of 256ths of a second that have passed since Jan 1, 1970 UTC, ie. a traditional timestamp, multiplied by 256. The value will be floor to the previous UTC hour.
This field may be null
- trainingroutine:
list of trainingroutine used in conjunction with "user", "start" and "end" to filter what data will be analysed
This field may be null
Filtering Options
- activitytype: exact, in, isnull
- category: exact, in, isnull
- display: exact
- end: exact
- include_autodetected: true
- include_histograms: exact, in
- include_metrics: exact, in
- range: exact, in
- record: exact, in
- start: exact
- trainingroutine: exact, in, isnull
- user: exact, in
'vector'. Display result as vector
If true, return ranges done with autodetection algorithm
User on which the metrics are extracted
Sorting Options
No sorting supported
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