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Hexostore API Documentation



List methods: get, post, patch

Detail methods: get, put, patch, delete

An activityattribute allows the association of specific, numeric attributes with activitytypes. Each attribute is assigned a unit to describe activityattributevalues stored with this activityattribute.

For example a 'high jump' activitytype might have an attribute with name: 'height' with unit: unit/102/ (meters).



Define how the activityattributevalue is supplied. Values for user activityattributes can be modified by the user whereas values for calculated activityattributes are determined server side and may not be modified.

This field may be blank

This field will default to: user


The primary key for this resource. Integer data. Ex: 2673

This field is readonly.


Unicode string data. Ex: "Hello World"

This field will default to: '' (empty string)


The unique URI where the object resides.

This field is readonly.


A reference to the resource. Maybe specified by URI or ID. Using a URI is recommended.

This field is returned fully populated.

This field may be blank

This field may be null


A user. Maybe specified by URI, email, or ID. Using a URI is recommended.

This field may be null

Filtering Options

datatype: exact, in, gt, gte, lt, lte, range

id: exact, in, gt, gte, lt, lte, range

user: exact, in, isnull

Sorting Options

id, datatype, user

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