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Hexostore API Documentation

Overview and Technology

The API is built using Django and Tastypie. As such, the methods of querying the API follow the implementation patterns of Tastypie.

We have attempted to conform to RESTful practices as much as is practical. There are a few instances where a judicious departure has been indulged but overall you can assume things will work RESTfully.

List Views

Resources are represented as URIs. URIs generally conform to the following model:

/api/[API version]/[resource name]/

For example, all the datatypes are found by issuing a GET request to: /api/v1/datatype/

This is a "list view" because it will return a list of all the instances of that resource that the current user is allowed to see.

Detail Views

You may query a specific instance of a resource by accessing its URI. You are strongly encouraged to use the resource_uri attribute that is provided with each resource, however if you prefer to create them, they generally follow the pattern of the list URI with the ID appended:

/api/[API version]/[resource name]/[ID]/

For example, you can query the Activity per second datatype by issuing a GET request to: /api/v1/datatype/49/

See our page on making requests for a more detailed treatment of the subject.


Timestamps are represented a little differently than is usual. Instead of representing the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC, they represent the number of 256ths of a second since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. In other words, they are a regular timestamp multiplied by 256. All timestamps in the system are like this unless explicity noted otherwise.

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